My online filing cabinet to share!

It is time to clean out and dispose of my many files but I am such a "keeper" that I can't just throw my years of stories, quotes, ideas, and memories away SO--- I am going to digitize them and put them in a blog to save in cyberspace as well. If anyone ever looks at this, I hope you find something that inspires creativity and fun energy!

Saturday, June 23, 2012


by Ben Richardson

First thing you'll need,
is a boy or a girl.
Choose wisely, because this will be irreplaceable.
Make sure he or she
has a difficulty.
Now for the mother.
Base with compassion and care.
Add a dash of worry.
Mix with hard experiences.
Mix carefully, not too fast.
Make sure you can see,
a truly inspirational person.
Top off with a few cups of determination.
The last ingredient is
something impossible to add.
It is always there,
no matter what is done.
Set the child and the mother together,
and you will get it.

Spring 2011
Benjamin wrote this poem as an assignment for school.
It's depth is amazing for a 12 year old boy!

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